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Rules and Regulations

Disciplinary Rules

  1. Students should require maintaining the highest standard of behavior and discipliningoath inside and outside the college.
  2. They shall strictly observe the disciplinary rules framed by the college, which may be framed from time to time. Non-Compliance of these rules will be dealt by the Principal in the manner he/she considers fit and his decision will be final in such matters
  3. Every student is expected to greet the members of the staff when he meets them on the first occasion of the day.
  4. On the ring of the first bell, students shall assemble in the class rooms and wait silently for the Lecturer. On the Lecturer entering the class room students shall rise and remain standing till they are asked to sit.
  5. No student shall enter the class or leave the class without the permission of the Lecturer.
  6. Student having no classes shall not loiter in the verandah. But are expected to spend the time in the Library.
  7. Every class is in-charge of an Academic Adviser who keeps a close watch on the student’s attendance, progress, conduct and looks after their general welfare. In the event of indisciple, the “Disciplinary committee” appointed by the college will take measures/action.
  8. Attendance to the College functions. Associations, meetings, College Assembly, Court Visit, Chamber Visit, Viva voce etc., are obligatory and mandatory to all students. Failure to attend, shall be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 200/-
  9. Those who are absent to the periods should show leave note to concerned lecturers and if the leave is more than 2 days they should take the permission of the Principal to attend the classes.
  10. The college property shall be handled with due care and should not be damaged. In case of damage to any buildings, furniture, apparatus or any other property of the College, the college authority will take strict action.
  11. Students must keep the class rooms and the College premises clean and writing on the black-board, walls, affixing posters on the walls are strictly prohibited.
  12. Appointment of the local guardian is necessary for the students who accommodate in College Hostel or private hostel.
  13. Communal politics and other politics are not allowed in the college and strictly prohibited.
  14. Without the permission of the Principal, students shall not  organize any activities or associate with any group not  concerned with the College.
  15. No meeting shall be convened or no person shall be invited to address the students, no publication shall be issued and no canvassing or mobilizing the students, for any particular opinion or action will be allowed without the permission of the Principal.
  16. Participation in political agitation or demonstration or strike of  any kind is strictly prohibited.\
  17. IT Books, magazines, newspapers etc. not approved by the Principal, are not allowed to be brought to the College.
  18. Students should wear ID Card within the college premises and keep Library Card properly.
  19. Students should build up self – confidence and obey vision and mission of the College.
  20. Students should follow the dress code prescribed by the College and use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs etc. are strictly prohibited.
  21. College is a home for both staff and students like Gurukul, maintain its peace and tranquil environment.
  22. Students should not give the College address for any personal correspondence. The College will not be held responsible for the loss of any letter, whatever, be the nature of the correspondence.  Letters to the Principal should be accompanied by reply postage  whenever postal reply is desired.
  23. The students are expected to treat the college as their ownand  co-operate in its efficient and smooth running.
  24. 24. No student should organize any Tour or Picnic without the permission of the Principal.
  25. Boycotting classes, shouting slogans, obstructing students to enter classes shall be a penal offence.
  26. Ragging is strictly prohibited as per section 116 of KarnatakaEducation Act, 1983 and Anti-Ragging Committee of collegealways alert. All Students shall submit online affidavit.
  27. Use of mobile phone/ipods etc. are strictly prohibited insidethe college campus. Such things shall be kept in mobile boxmaintained and locked as per the mobile box regulations.
  28. Wearing of uniform is compulsory as prescribed by the college and students are requested to wear Bangles and Kumkum.
  29. Student who is found to have committed any act of indiscipline is liable to any one or more of the following punishments
    i) Warning
    ii) Censure
    iii) Fine
    iv) Cancellation of Scholarships/Freeships etc.
    v) Recovery in part or full of loss or damages to the Collegeproperty or of others caused by the delinquent student.
    vi) Removal, rustication or expulsion from the college.
    vii) Withholding of certificates
    The punishments liable to be inflicted summarily at the discreation of the Principal whose decision shall be final.
  30. Any damage caused to the College/Property shall be recoveredfrom the delinquent student.
  31. Sending of derogatory messages either through whatsapp orface-book/social media against the college/Management will leadto rustication.
  32. A student who abstains for the classes continuously for 3 daysshall bring his/her parents.
  33. Any grievances against the College/KSLU should go through proper channel.
  34. Books/Bags should have a name or mark through which owner can be identified. Any unclaimed property should be brought to the knowledge of the principal.
  35. Students should attend the guest lectures compulsorily as stalwarts in the field will be invited.
  36. Any programme to be arranged by the students in the college should get the permission of the principal.
  37. Students should involve in all extension activities of the college and attendance will be marked.