
Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi provides the following regulations as per Section 86 read with Section 34 (2)(ii) and Section 49 of the Karnataka State Law University Act, 2009.  

The Course & Duration

  1. B.A., LL.B integrated double degree course combined bachelor’s degree course in Business Administration together with the bachelor’s degree course in law.
  2. The duration of B.B.A., LL.B course shall be for five academic years consisting of ten semesters.
  3. Each Academic year shall be divided into two semesters.
  4. Each Semester shall consist of 18 weeks.
  5. The papers and syllabus shall be as prescribed by the Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi.

Instructions and Training:

  1. Instructions and training for the course shall be not less than 30 class hours per week with at least 24 lecture hours per week.
  2. There shall be for each paper 04 class hours of one hour duration and 01 hour of tutorial/moot court/project work per week.
  3. Each registered student shall have completed minimum of 20 weeks of internship during the entire period of legal studies under NGO, Advocates, Judiciary, Legal Regulatory Authorities, Legislatures and Parliament, Other Legal Functionaries, Market Institutions, Law Firms, Companies and Local Self Government.
  4. The internship in any year cannot be for a continuous period of more than 4 weeks and all students shall at least go through once in the academic period with trial and appellant advocates.
  5. Each student shall keep internship diary in the form stipulated by the University and the same shall be evaluated by the guide in internship and also a core faculty member of the staff each time. The total marks shall be assigned in the final semester of the course in the fourth clinical course as stipulated under the scheduled apprehend to those regulations.


No student shall be permitted to appear for the end-of semester examination in a given course unless he/she has, to the satisfaction of the course teacher, fulfilled the course requirements and has put in not less than 70% attendance in the course concerned. Provided that a student who has attended not less than 65% of classes in each of the subjects prescribed may be permitted to keep the term for reasons to be recorded in writing and to the satisfaction of the Principal of the College

Prohibition against Lateral Entry and Exit

There shall be no lateral entry on the plea of graduation in any subject or exit by way of awarding the degree splitting the integrated double degree course, at any intermediary stage of integrated double degree course.


  1. Every student shall be promoted to next higher classes irrespective of the fact that he has failed in any of the papers prescribed for the study.
  2. Students are required to successfully complete the entire course within Seven Years (Five years of normal duration plus two years of extended duration) from admission to the course.
  3. The candidates who does not complete their degree within Seven years shall be given an extended period of one more year in exceptional circumstances when the candidate is unable to appear for the examinations during the extended period of two years due to health reasons to be certified by a qualified medical practitioner, due to supervening disability to be certified by a qualified medical practitioner, due to representing the Country/State/University in any sports or Co-curricular Competitions. The candidate has to report the inability to appear for the examinations to the Registrar through the Principal of the college within one month of the date of examination which he/she is unable to attend or the term unable to keep and take prior permission of the University.
  4. A Student who has kept the terms of any semester shall be allowed to go to the next semester.
  5. A Student who fails to keep the terms in even semester of any year shall keep the terms of the even semester along with the students of subsequent batches.
  6. A Student who fails to keep the terms in odd semester of any year shall take the readmission to the same year along with the students of subsequent batches.

Award of the Degree:

Award of the Degree:

A Student shall be eligible for the award of the B.B.A., LL.B (Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws) Degree after he/she has successfully completed all the prescribed courses in all the semesters. Provided his or her character and conduct are found to be satisfactory during the course.


Award of the Classes:

The award of the classes shall be as under:

  1. 70% and more :           First Class with Distinction
  2. 60% and above but less than 70% :           First Class
  3. 50% and above but less than 60% :           Second Class
  4. 40% and above but less than 50%     :           Pass Class



5 Year BBA, LL.B Integrated Degree Course for the year 2024-25


1st Semester

1. General English

2. Business Environment

3. Managerial Economics

4. Financial Accounting

5. Legal Methods


6th Semester

1. Labour Law-II

2. Company Law

3. Property Law.

4. Family Law-II – Mohemmadan Law & Indian Succession Act


2nd Semester

1. Kannada/Kannada Kali

2. Principles & Practice Management.

3. Economic Development in India.

4. Entrepreneurship Development.

5. Law of Torts

Note: Kannada is Compulsory for those who has studied Kannada at SSLC

Kannada Kali is Compulsory for those who has not studied Kannada at SSLC

7th Semester

1. Public International Law

2. Law of Taxation

3. Criminal Law-II (Cr.P.C.)

4. Clinical Course-I: Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System.


3rd Semester

l. Business Communications.

2. Cost and Management Accounting.

3. Human Resources Management – Industrial Relations

4. Business Statistics

5. Constitutional Law-I -Syllabus as per Appendix-IX


8th Semester

1. Law of Evidence

2. Optional-I: Human Rights Law and Practice/Insurance Law.

3. Optional-II: Banking Law/Right to Information.

4. Clinical Course-II: Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems.



4th Semester

1.  Financial Management.

2.  International Business.

3.  Constitutional Law-II-Syllabus as per Appendix-X

4.  Law of Crimes-I- IPC

5.  Contract-I (Law of Contract)



9th Semester

I. Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act

2. Optional-III: Intellectual Property Rights-I/ Penology &Victimology.

3. Optional-IV: Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of Legislation/Competition Law.

4. Clinical Course-III: Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance.


5th Semester

1. Labour Law-I-Syllabus as per Appendix-XI

2. Jurisprudence

3. Family Law-I- Hindu Law

4. Contract-II (Specific Contracts)

5. Administrative Law


10th Semester

1. Environmental Law

2. Optional-V: Intellectual Property Rights-II/ White Collar Crimes.

3. Optional-VI: Land Law/Law relating to International Trade Economics.

4. Clinical Course-IV: Moot Court Exercise and Internship.


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